Imported News

New codes (Rare) -update

landing.view.hu14rare3.body=Become the master of the Galaxy with this amazing new Rare. Available for only 24 hours, make sure to grab one before it's gone. landing.view.hu14rare3.button=Check it out! landing.view.hu14rare3.header=The Solar System Rare is here! landing.view.hu14rare3.timer=Rare coming in The rare: The badge: Solar System There's a Habbo Hotel on every planet!

Imported News

New images!

Thanks to HabboTravel!

Imported News

New commands for Ambassadors!

:aalert Will enable ambassadors to warn users not respecting the Habbo Way. A message saying that moderators can take action if he doesn't change his behaviour during the minutes to come will appear. :kick As with the command that is already available in rooms where you have rights, this will allow ambassadors to kick any […]

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Habbo Camera (Update)

Thanks to Habtium! Thanks to RSALittleJ!

Imported News


before – then New alert: New welcome system: Thanks to Habbo-Happy & HabboTravel!

Imported News

Safety.Beyond the legal issues

Safety.Beyond the legal issues It is common question, Can I be fined for creating a Holo? Can I be reported? These questions have been answered multiple times, so this site isn't the place to discuss these questions. This time we'll take a new approach: Most users are retro minors who, due to their young age, […]

Imported News

New room bundle coming soon!

Piccolo Halls Room Bundle Packed tighter than a mini-fridge with everything the cool university student could desire…PLUS a badge! Piccolo Halls Room Bundle For purchasing the Piccolo Halls Room Bundle

Imported News

New codes! (UP1)

notification.ambassador.alert.warning.message=The Ambassadors don't think your behaviour is appropriate. You should watch out before a moderator gets involved! notification.ambassador.alert.warning.title=Ambassador Alert! As previously stated in other articles. – Ambassadors will be allowed to kick users, mute for 60 mins and 18 hours.

Imported News

New lab pack coming soon!

Stories Lab Pack Make your mark in Science

Imported News

New images!