Clothing: (DIAMOND) Bunny Outfit (DIAMOND) Explorer sash (DIAMOND) Mystic robes (DIAMOND) Mystic crown (DIAMOND) Sports hair (DIAMOND) Sports shade shirt_U_bunnyoutfit trousers_U_bunnyoutfit hat_U_bunnyoutfit acc_chest_U_explorersash jacket_F_mysticrobes hat_U_mysticcrown jacket_M_mysticrobes hair_U_sportshair acc_eye_U_sportsshade
Category: Imported
RARE Habberge Egg Credit Furni Mini Habberge Eggs are worth 750 credits. They're also rare and never, ever being sold again! Stock up while you can. [furni=”CF_750_minihabberge”] Habbo .COM / Habbo .ES Habbo .BR / Habbo .FI Habbo .FR / Habbo .IT Habbo .NL / Habbo .DE Habbo .TR RARO Furni de Crédito Huevo Habberge […]
HABBO 2020'S LOOKS EDITOR As we finish off more and more of Habbo 2020's features, we want to ensure we keep you all up to date and aware of what the client will actually look like before its release next year. The new client's looks editor is largely similar to the existing one in a […]
Penguins The Hotel suffers a freak cold front, with terrible blizzards and snowstorms. And with the cold front arrive… Penguins! It's time to adopt your own loveable creature… Yönetici Penguen This is for users from Habbo .TR! [furni=”penguin_suit”] PGN01 (badge) Executive Penguin Kovboy Pengueni This is for users from Habbo .TR! [furni=”penguin_cowboy”] PGN02 (badge) Cowboy […]
So long 2019! We're ready to celebrate the new year the best way we know how; with cool games and exclusive badges! At the end of each game you'll get a trivia question on random topics related to 2019, challenge your friends and try to ace all the questions we've prepared! Each game will open […]
(DIAMOND) Sweet Home Bundle 1: This version contains an exclusive badge and an exclusive item (House Keys) Code: shome_keys Name: House Keys (exclusive item) 155 + 100 SWH01 (badge) Sweet Home Bundle (DIAMOND) Sweet Home Bundle 2: This version contains two exclusive badges and TWO exclusive items! Code: shome_keys Name: House Keys (exclusive item) Code: […]
– Clothing: (DIAMOND) Camping Backpack (DIAMOND) Yoga Pants (DIAMOND) Puffy Vest (DIAMOND) Binoculars (DIAMOND) Ponytail Cap (DIAMOND) Rainbow Egg (DIAMOND) Yoga Top acc_chest_U_campingbackpack trousers_U_yogapants jacket_U_puffyvest acc_chest_U_binoculars hair_U_ponytailcap acc_head_U_rainbowegg shirt_M_yogatop shirt_F_yogatop (DIAMOND) New hand items
Statistics: Hotel total in set items sold items available credits spent 96 47 49 35,250 96 80 16 60,000 120 61 59 45,750 24 7 17 5,250 72 23 49 17,250 24 7 17 5,250 48 9 39 6,750 36 13 23 9,750 168 128 40 […]
[furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist1″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist2″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist3″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist4″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist5″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist6″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist7″] [furni=”clothing_r19_sparklywaist8″] [furni=”hc20_10″] [furni=”hc20_11″] [furni=”hc20_12″] [furni=”hc20_1″] [furni=”hc20_2″] [furni=”hc20_3″] [furni=”hc20_4″] [furni=”hc20_5″] [furni=”hc20_6″] [furni=”hc20_7″] [furni=”hc20_8″] [furni=”hc20_9″] [furni=”ny_r19_crackable”] [furni=”year2020″]