Furni Imported News

January 2020: Returning Bundles! - Habbo

(DIAMOND) Celestial Bundle We're extremely happy to present the 100% exclusive Celestial Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge. SWH04 (badge) Celestial Bundle 99 45 + 45 ¡Lote Celestial! Pack Celestial Taivaallinen huonepaketti Appart Céleste Affare Stanza Celestiale Hemelse Bundel Himmlisches Bündel Bulutların Üzerinde Oda Paketi (DIAMOND) Pastel Bundle! Cute stuffed toys and pastel rainbow furni: a […]

Furni Imported News

January 2020 in Habbo

(DIAMOND) UPDATE: 10-12-19 – Beverage Collector Deal Click here to see a list of all the items included in this deal Includes the following items SWH12 (badge) Beverage Collector Deal Oferta Coleccionista de Bebidas Oferta Colecionador de Bebidas Juomien keräilijän tarjous Offre Spéciale Boissons Offerta Collezionista di Bevande Drankjes Collector Deal Getränke Sammler Angebot Ä°çecek […]

Furni Imported News

Chinese New Year 2020 & January Furni - Habbo

Chinese New Year Chinese New Year 2020 Rat Accessories china_goldenrat Golden Rat Statue china_rat Rat Statue china_pstr11 Rat Poster clothing_rat Rat Accessories Starry Night Backpack Kitty Headphones [furni=”clothing_r20_galaxybackpack”] [furni=”clothing_r20_kittyearphones”] Tiny Hamster & House Keys Diamond Heart Necklace [furni=”clothing_heartnecklace”] [furni=”shome_hamster”] [furni=”shome_keys”] Sweet Home Bundles

Furni Imported News

Bonus Bag IV + Ice Panda -UPDATE

Ice Panda Bonus Bag IV [furni=”rare_prize19_xmas”] [furni=”bonusbag19_4″] bonusrare19_4 Chocolate Gelato / Cyan / Scarlet / Pink / Purple / Green Truño Cocozinho Pehmis Gelée Gelato IJs Gelato Roma dondurması

Imported News

New images found (Christmas) - Habbo

icon_289 New icon for the new furni category! New furni / Crafting / Clothing / Advent Calendar Icicle Boxes Winter Palace Furni Icicle Boxes Winter Palace Clothing Winter Palace Crafting Black Friday Deals New hotel view

Furni Imported News

Christmas 2019: Upcoming Rares (Habbo .TR)

landing.view.xmas19addonstr.body=Do you have a xmas-themed room that's in need of a few detailed additions? Look no further, Habbos! landing.view.xmas19addonstr.button=See the furni! landing.view.xmas19addonstr.header=Xmas Additions! (Habbo .TR) [furni=”xmas11_btlr”] BTL01 (badge) NADÄ°RE UÅŸak Noel Baba This is for users from! [furni=”qt_xm10_icedragon”] RDL15 (badge) NADÄ°RE Kar Fırtınası Ejderhası This is for users from!

Imported News

New Year Waistcoat Boxes - Habbo

New Year Waistcoat Boxes Get a random coloured waistcoat from one of these boxes! (Rare and never to be sold again.) jacket_F_sparklywaist1 jacket_M_sparklywaist1 jacket_F_sparklywaist2 jacket_M_sparklywaist2 jacket_F_sparklywaist5 jacket_M_sparklywaist5 jacket_F_sparklywaist7 jacket_M_sparklywaist7 jacket_F_sparklywaist6 jacket_M_sparklywaist6 jacket_F_sparklywaist8 jacket_M_sparklywaist8 jacket_F_sparklywaist3 jacket_M_sparklywaist3 jacket_F_sparklywaist4 jacket_M_sparklywaist4 RARE Gold Accessory Pack NEW: nine gold accessories. Get ALL of them when you purchase one of the […]

Imported News

Winter Palace Christmas Games! - Habbo

Winter Palace Christmas Games! This Christmas, the Queen needs your help. The Hallowed Ice Fountain is responsible for supplying her palace's Christmas machinery with water, and it's currently in danger of melting along with the entire building! Play the games and save the fountain from melting to ensure Christmas doesn't just become a distant memory. […]

Furni Imported News

Winter Castle Bundle - Habbo

NEW: Winter Castle Bundle It's so cold in this castle, your pixels may freeze to the floor if you don't move around enough. Exclusive badge included! 199 90 + 90 X1901 (badge) Winter Castle Bundle (*) Includes the following items: (*) [furni=”xmas2011_rock1″] [furni=”xmas_c19_chandelier”] [furni=”olympics_c16_pillar”] [furni=”xmas_c19_archwall”] [furni=”es_skating_ice”] [furni=”xmas2011_icefall”] [furni=”xmas_c19_crystalfloor”] [furni=”xm09_candyCane”] [furni=”xmas_c15_mlight”] [furni=”xmas_c19_stackedicedrinks”] [furni=”xmas_c19_crystaltable”] [furni=”xmas_c19_balcony”] [furni=”xmas_c19_windowwall”] [furni=”xmas08_hole”] […]

Imported News

Winter Palace Furni and Clothing! (Prices) - Habbo

xmas_c19_crystalfloor Winter Palace Floor 4 xmas_c19_windowwall Winter Palace Windows 4 xmas_c19_archwall Winter Palace Arch 5 xmas_c19_crystalchair Winter Palace Chair 3 + 10 xmas_c19_crystaltable Winter Palace Table 5 xmas_c19_balcony Winter Palace Balcony 5 xmas_c19_furbanner Winter Palace Banner 4 xmas_c19_iceshards Razor Sharp Icicles 3 xmas_c19_icetree Is This a Tree? 7 xmas_c19_icefood Jack Frost's Lunch 3 xmas_c19_lamp Luminescent […]