Imported News

New Team Members

Also as some of you may have noticed ,Joaoo has joined our team, we would of announced it earlier but we were working hard on the update it just slipped our mind. His a great bloke that comes from Portugal, he helps with badges and a few other bits and bobs (if we don’t wanna […]

Imported News

Some new Images

Today a few images got uploaded one is for Zlango: the other is for Latin American Idol: Source: Image 1 Image 2 Thanks to Colaman for these.

Imported News

New BB Badges found!

I just found three new badges related with the Habbo Big Brother 2009 @ UK. UK012 UK013 UK014

Furni Imported News

New furni arrived!

[furni=”urban_bench”] [furni=”urban_bin”] [furni=”urban_blocker”] [furni=”urban_bsktbll”] [furni=”urban_carsofa”] [furni=”urban_fence”] [furni=”urban_fence_corner”] [furni=”urban_lamp”] [furni=”urban_sidewalk”] [furni=”urban_wall”] [furni=”urban_wpost”] [furni=”sf_mbar”] [furni=”ads_gsArcade_1″] [furni=”ads_gsArcade_2″] [furni=”ads_idol_l_carpet”] [furni=”ads_idol_l_logo”] [furni=”ads_idol_l_tv”] [furni=”ads_mtv_bigtv”] [furni=”ads_mtv_tv”]

Imported News

New AU & NZ Badges

There is a competition on the AU/NZ hotel where you have to make a group page for Aussies and New Zealanders. One of the prizes is a Badge and here they are. AUB NZB Thanks to Habbo News for the heads up.

Imported News

Pixel Blitz Finalists

Well after 2 weeks of you guys sending your entries in, we have finally gotten our final 6. Yes I know I said 5 of you guys would get though, but it was so hard (isn’t it always) so we have 6 entries here for you guys to vote for. Voting doesn’t start until tomorrow, […]

Imported News

Puhekupla has Gained some

Well we’re back and glad to be here. As you have most likely noticed the site has changed a little bit. It is now wider and the modules (eg. New Furni, New Badges etc.) have moved around a little bit. Also we have made it that you can view more news from the homepage. Not […]

Imported News

Now it's definitive!

Sometime ago, I told to you that I wasn’t more reporter/designer of Puhekupla. So… Mark and Lab-Rat they practically compelled me to continue in the team, and I continued like designer. Now, today, I discovered somethings that shows me that I need to go, that’s not the correct local for me, and some brazilian/portuguese invited […]

Imported News

News of Twilight furni fo

The Habbo forums are alive with people talking about the new Twilight promotion coming up in November, and I think its fair to say we will be reporting about it too. Thantos brought to my attention an article, in which it says some intresting stuff, the most important being: If you’ve read the books or […]

Imported News

Cervical Cancer Badges Fi

UK009 UK010 UK011 Why were these badges uploaded again? Thanks to Andrix for notifying me about these. Edit: Thanks to Joaoo, for alerting us to the changes. He even made us an image :D