Imported News

New Spanish (Technical) S

We’ve heard some rumours about a Habbo named Jolee72 being a new Sulake (Technical) Staff Member at Habbo Spain. So we checked some things and we can say that Jolee72 will be a new Sulake/Habbo Staff at Habbo Spain! We have also checked her badges, to be sure: So it’s true :D Now we just […]

Imported News

Another 2 new Public Room

Brought to you by The new Infobus in BETA during the HPV-campaign in Habbo UK. The image above is à reconstruction by Habbonews And this is an image of the new Skulduggary-library: This room will belong to the UK007 badge and à competition. Again thanks to Habbonews for THE find. – Haakon

Imported News

New Hotel Landingpages fo

Now we still need to wait till these pages will be used.. These landingpages have been used on UK and US already, but THE other countries still use THE old one and these pages above will be used when all THE hotels get THE new landinpage. – Haakon

Imported News

New Advertisement/Branded

It says that it’s for a brand or Public Spaces called Cloudy? The room looks nice. The room haven’t been uploaded yet, only this Navigator-image. – Haakon

Imported News

New HQ003 badge?

HQ003_001 Where’s this for? – Haakon

Imported News

Urban collection will com

Habbo uploaded now news headers & topstory images for the Urban collection. This could mean that the collection will be soon in the catalogue ;] The news header of the new collection The topstory images of the new collection

Imported News

[BR|UK] More and more bad

Ufa! The activity of accommodation within the Habbo Hotel servers will not stop, and the proof of this is the recent discovery of three new badges (yes, three new badges!), corresponding mainly to the Brazilian and English hotels. Firstly we can see the next medal, identified with the code BR002. It will be distributed in […]

Imported News

Minimail In the client

Well it seems Habbo are rolling out this update piece by piece. I was actually away when this update happened (hence the reason that it took so long to add). Today Habbo UK went down for a maintenance break and when it came back up users were able to send and receive their mini-mail (not […]

Imported News

Habbo US 5 years-badge?!

US0F Habbo US 5 years?! Time for a party! – Haakon

Imported News

[CHANGELOG] Release 37 -

Release 37 – Build 50 Changelog * Guide Bot is reacting a little bit better, doesn’t spam that much and reacts better on keywords. * Chloe, the Habbo Lido Bot have got new clothes (doesn’t look like a man anymore). – Haakon