jacket_F_croppedjumper jacket_M_croppedjumper shirt_F_zebrashirt shirt_M_zebrashirt trousers_U_layeredlongskirt hair_U_longmohawk Pride Flag
Category: Imported
If you have registered with Habbo until the end of 2009, you will certainly remember the greatest maintenance of Habbo history: the Habbo Beta program. Shortly after seeing the Adobe Shockwave Player becomes an obsolete technology, Sulake found himself in the challenge of saving Habbo from its obsolescence too, which at the time worked based […]
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Celestial Furnis Pride Furnis Collectible Rare Inflatables Rainbow Parasol LTD! [furni=”celestial_c19_aurora”] [furni=”celestial_c19_constellations”] [furni=”celestial_c19_dresser”] [furni=”celestial_c19_floor”] [furni=”celestial_c19_flower”] [furni=”celestial_c19_moonbed”] [furni=”celestial_c19_planet”] [furni=”celestial_c19_rug”] [furni=”celestial_c19_spacebun”] [furni=”celestial_c19_starchair”] [furni=”celestial_c19_starshower”] [furni=”celestial_c19_table”] [furni=”celestial_c19_tree”] [furni=”celestial_c19_wall”] [furni=”celestial_c19_wardrobe”] [furni=”clothing_r19_celestialdress”] [furni=”rainbow_c19_bed”] rainbow_c19_chair [furni=”rainbow_c19_lights”] [furni=”rainbow_c19_rug”] [furni=”rainbow_c19_table”] [furni=”rainbow_ltd19_parasol”] [furni=”rainbow_r19_flamingofloat”] [furni=”rainbow_r19_peacockfloat”] [furni=”rainbow_r19_pineapplefloat”] rainbow_r19_rainbowfloat
badge_name_PIH13=Habbo Pride Trivia badge_name_PIH14=Summertime in Habbo! badge_name_PIH15=RARE Sea Throne featured.offer.pride19chairtr.title=RARE Sea Throne featured.offer.pride19spacetr.title=Interstellar Furni featured.offer.pride19sumtr.title=Sea Floor Furni landing.view.july19summer.body=We have the perfect room for you to cool down and hang out with your friends. Dive into in the pool, meet new Habbos and win some awesome summer prizes! landing.view.july19summer.button=Open the Navigator! landing.view.july19summer.header=Summer fun has BEGUN! Available […]
(I) Click here to find out more information.
Collectible Skull Masks! There are six of these Skulls to collect, each with their own badge. Collect all six and you'll get a bonus Skull Collector's Badge! NOTE: each skull is available for 24 hours only! Floral Festival Skull 7 + 10 MFT13 (badge) Collectible Skull 1 Seer's Festival Skull 7 + 10 MFT14 (badge) […]
Underwater House Bundle Now that you've travelled all the way to the Coral Kingdom, make sure you buy a house here! Comes with exclusive badge. Bundle built by Jenneben (NL) 199 90 + 90 Lote Hogar Submarino Pack Casa Subaquática Merenalainen talo Maison sous l'eau Affare Stanza Casa Sottomarina Onderwaterhuis Bundel Unterwasser-Haus-Bündel Su altı Evi […]
NEW Bohemian Festival Clothing! Our brand new selection of bohemian-style apparel is now available in the Catalogue! Bohemian Handbag 4 Flowing Shirt 5 Festival Bum Bag 4 Grand Ay Tail 5 + 10 20 Year Dreads 5 + 10 Lake Plunger Bikini 5 Flower-Studded Beard 2
landing.view.pride19celedress.body=Star Gazers! You NEED to go and check out the new Celestial Dress rare. Never to be sold again, exclusive badge included! landing.view.pride19celedress.button=See the rare! landing.view.pride19celedress.header=RARE Celestial Dress! RARE Celestial Dress ["clothing_r19_celestialdress","Celestial Dress",""] PIH11 (badge) RARE Celestial Dress landing.view.pride19celestial.body=We're extremely happy to present the brand new, 100% exclusive Celestial Bundle! Comes with exclusive badge. landing.view.pride19celestial.button=See […]