RARE Pastel Rainbow Jumper! This is your one opportunity to own a drop de.ad GORGEOUS rainbow coloured jumper. Rare and never to be sold again, exclusive badge included! [furni=”clothing_r19_rainbowstarjumper”] GRK23 (badge) RARE Pastel Rainbow Jumper RARO Suéter Arcoíris Pastel RARO Suéter Arco-Íris Pastel HARVINAINEN Pastellinen sateenkaarivillapaita Pull arc-en-ciel Pastel RARE ! Maglioncino Arcobaleno Color Pastello […]
Category: Imported
jacket_M_kimono jacket_M_gardenapron jacket_F_gardenapron jacket_F_kimono hat_U_gogglehat jacket_F_featheredcowl jacket_M_featheredcowl acc_face_U_butterflymask acc_chest_U_floralbag acc_head_U_leafearrings shirt_F_butterflydress shirt_U_flowytop hair_U_shortcut shirt_M_butterflydress acc_eye_U_leafmask acc_head_U_sprout UPDATE 30/05 shirt_M_celestialdress Handitem
RARE Golden Sceptre Credit Furni! These beautiful pieces of metalwork are worth 350 credits. Rare and never to be sold again – invest while you can! [furni=”CF_350_sceptre”] ¡RARO Furni crédito Cetro dorado HABBO CÂMBIO RARO Cetro Dourado! HARVINAINEN Kultainen valtikka kolikkokama! Magot RARE Sceptre d'Or ! Scettro Dorato Furni di Credito RARO! Zeldzame Gouden Scepter […]
RARE Rainbow Curls! Rainbow Hair – the first of its kind in Habbo. Rare and never to be sold again, this is a hairstyle you do NOT want to miss out on! [furni=”clothing_r19_rainbowhair”] MFT08 (badge) RARE Rainbow Curls ¡RARO Rizos Arcoíris! RARO Cabelo Arco-íris! HARVINAISET Sateenkaarikikkarat RARE Boucles Arc-en-ciel ! Riccioli Arcobaleno RARI! Zeldzame Regenbogen […]
Statistics Hotel total in set items sold items available credits spent Habbo.fr 108 46 62 23,000 Habbo.nl 90 37 53 18,500 LTD Harpe Athénienne Dorée ! (Habbo .FR) Il existe un nombre limité de ces harpes athéniennes de fabrication impeccable. On se met au solfège ?! GRK17 (badge) LTD Harpe Athénienne Dorée Gouden Atheense Harp […]
[furni=”clothing_r19_rainbowstarjumper”] [furni=”pastel_c19_bed”] [furni=”pastel_c19_bedsidetable”] [furni=”pastel_c19_carpet”] [furni=”pastel_c19_cubeseat”] [furni=”pastel_c19_cupboard”] [furni=”pastel_c19_cupcake”] [furni=”pastel_c19_floor”] [furni=”pastel_c19_lamp”] [furni=”pastel_c19_lights”] [furni=”pastel_c19_plushie1″] [furni=”pastel_c19_plushie2″] [furni=”pastel_c19_plushie3″] [furni=”pastel_c19_plushiepile”] [furni=”pastel_c19_shootingstar”] [furni=”pastel_c19_sofa”] [furni=”pastel_c19_stardeco”] [furni=”pastel_c19_starlights”] [furni=”pastel_c19_stool”] [furni=”pastel_c19_table”] [furni=”pastel_c19_unicornposter”] [furni=”pastel_c19_wall”]
landing.view.community.caption.festivalchallenge=Habbo Festival Battle: Rock in Habbo vs. Habboroo! landing.view.community.headline.festivalchallenge=Which festival will take over Habbo this summer? landing.view.community.info.festivalchallenge=To ensure your festival is the most popular, you'll need to play as many games as possible and grab every badge that's available. The more badges Habbos from your festival acquire, the more the meter's arrow points to your […]
NEW Pastel Bundle! Cute stuffed toys and pastel rainbow furni: a fantastic combination, we think you'll agree! Every single furni in this bundle is 100% exclusive and will never be found in our Catalogue for sale individually. What a bargain! badge_name_GRK22=Pastel Bundle New furnis (codes) ["pastel_c19_bed","Pastel Bed",""] ["pastel_c19_bedsidetable","Pastel Bedside Table",""] ["pastel_c19_carpet","Fluffy Pink Carpet",""] ["pastel_c19_cubeseat","Pastel Seat",""] […]