Sulake today launched the beta version of the new game engine from which Habbo will operate for the next few years, Unity under version 2019.3.9f. At this time, only employees and a group of 81 players are allowed to access the so-called Habbo 2020 through, Sulake's restricted testing hotel. According to the company, users […]
Category: Imported
NEW: Bank Bundle Banks – useful for storing wealth. In Habbo AND in real life. Comes with an exclusive badge! Room made by Frission (COM) BAB01 (badge) Bank Bundle Price: 199 credits 90 credits + 90 diamonds (DIAMOND) Includes the following items: (DIAMOND) Code: exe_glassdvdr Name: Executive Divider Code: xmas_c15_poinsettia Name: Christmas Poinsettia Code: computer_flatscreen […]
RARE Glittering Handbag Credit Furni! Here's a relevant phrase for you: all that glitters is not gold. (This furni is worth 350 credits. Rare and NEVER to be sold again!) Code: CF_350_sparklybag Name: Glittering Handbag ¡RARO Furni de Crédito Bolso Brillante! RARO Habbo Câmbio Bolsa Brilhante! HARVINAINEN Kilmateleva käsilaukku-kolesetti! Magot Sac à main scintillant Furni […]
Code: CF_350_sparklybag Name: Glittering Handbag Code: house_sofa Name: Plain Office Sofa Code: mysterious_trophy Name: Menacing Eggplant Code: poster_duck Name: poster_duck name Code: pixelduck_wall Name: Duck Poster
THE EARNINGS WINDOW When the new client launches later this year, credits you receive from things like your HC Payday, the Advent calendar or trading with other Habbos will be organised into sections inside a new 'earnings' window. You can see what the earnings window looks like below: Earnings window VAULTS Habbo 2020 also includes […]
[furni=”CF_750_perfume”] [furni=”clothing_braidedwavyhair”] [furni=”clothing_kilt”] [furni=”clothing_kilttop”] [furni=”clothing_lanternstaff”] [furni=”clothing_nt_kilt”] [furni=”clothing_nt_braidedwavyhair”] [furni=”clothing_nt_kilttop”] [furni=”clothing_nt_lanternstaff”] [furni=”clothing_r20_dragonflywings”] [furni=”clothing_r20_inuit”] [furni=”xmas_c20_beadgame”] [furni=”xmas_c20_bigstump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_bridge”] [furni=”xmas_c20_crafter”] [furni=”xmas_c20_earthguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_fireguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_flowerguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_forestbg”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedfungi”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedholly”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedweeds”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostytree”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frozenstream”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frozenwaterfall”] [furni=”xmas_c20_iceguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_magicguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_nutcracker”] [furni=”xmas_c20_pebblepeeps”] [furni=”xmas_c20_rockguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerock”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockblue”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockgreen”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockpurple”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockred”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockyellow”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runetele”] [furni=”xmas_c20_shrine”] [furni=”xmas_c20_smallrunestones”] [furni=”xmas_c20_smallstump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowbush”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowdrops”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stage”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stonearch”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stonecauldron”] [furni=”xmas_c20_treestump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenbird”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenblocks”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodendog”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenhouse”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenplane”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodentrain”] [furni=”xmas_ltd20_yak”] [furni=”xmas_r20_icefountain”] […]
Code: antibully_machine Name: Be Kind' Machine Code: clothing_r20_bearset Name: Winter Bear Accessories Code: clothing_r20_teddybpack Name: Bear Backpack Code: clothing_unicornrainbow Name: Unicorn Hat 2.0 Code: plushie_c20_bluebear1 Name: Blue Scarf Bear Code: plushie_c20_bluebear2 Name: Blue Bow Bear Code: plushie_c20_bluebear3 Name: Blue Flower Crown Bear Code: plushie_c20_bluebear Name: Blue Bear Code: plushie_c20_bluebunny1 Name: Blue Scarf Bunny Code: plushie_c20_bluebunny2 […]
Hotel: Habbo .BR Price: 25 credits + 25 diamonds Name: Porta Sci-Fi Preta Code: scifiport*5 JLP06 (badge) Porta Sci-Fi Preta Hotel: Habbo .DE Price: 25 credits + 25 diamonds Name: Lila Markise Code: marquee*7 RMQ10 (badge) Rare Lila Markise Hotel: Habbo .ES Price: 25 credits + 25 diamonds Name: Puerta Láser Amarilla Code: scifiport*1 JLP02 […]
Statistics: Hotel total in set items sold items available credits spent 162 54 108 27,000 144 104 40 52,000 198 sold out 0 99,000 36 sold out 0 18,000 108 70 38 35,000 54 44 10 22,000 90 55 35 27,500 72 sold out 0 36,000 […]
Habbo Christmas 2020 Campaign: "For our Christmas event in December, we'll take you on a magical adventure in the woods. This year we opted for an enchanted forest style theme (loosely based on Sulake's Norse origins). In December, we hope we all feel a true Scandinavian winter with a pinch of magic in the air." […]