Today, Habbo NL posted this article. Saying it will reveal the secret this Sunday. Well we at Puhekupla know what is it about.. Habbo used this image, as you can see there is a little dragon behind the box. Thanks to Colaman we found this image. As you can see the boxes are the same […]
Category: News
This news is way less important then the RELEASE37 news, but it’s still news ;) NL002 NL003 NL004 NL005 NL006 I just found them.. where will they be used for? I think for the introduction of the Pets in BETA in Habbo Hotel Netherlands.. They looks like Achievement-Badges :p By Emmerrrr: They’re for the Pets […]
Well today Habbo updated to R37 which we all knew was coming…but was it for the better? Most say no, people hate the new nav and are finding that the new guides are replacing humans. Anyway, lets have a look at the new bits and bobs in this RELEASE37 videos: Here everything again in a […]
With R37 nearly here, rumors start to pop up about the features that will be added. Some may be true others may not and some just make you wonder. When I woke up this morning, a rumor was brought to my attention by a user on Habborator. Now since this user didn’t list his source […]
Our super-de-luxe Badge Scanner have just picked 3 new badges! Well, they’re THE earlier found Kitchen Badges we found and now they’re there! HQ003 HQ002 HQ001 The badges in the IOM: Coz’ our Super-Badge-Pixel-Furniture-Scanner 3000 does own! 8D – Haakon
Today I was looking through this Strictly Confidential (I found it in 2 clicks with Google) Sulake document, when I spotted this piece of Branded Furniture: Does this mean that an M&M-campaign is coming in the future with this nice Traxmachine? Time will tell… Credits to NewChicko and for reconstructing this Traxmachine! Thanks to […]
Sum Nice badges have been uploaded to the Habbo Servers, y’all! BRI BRJ BRK BRL BRM BRN BRO The first six badges will be used at the Futblokeio Championship that is happening in the Brazilian Hotel. The last badge is for the G-Force movie promotion! Credits to for finding these badges and credits to […]
Nothing really, really interesting.. Just a ppt about Sulake, Brands and how they handle these things: Oh, the ppt is in Dutch, translation will be posted later… Because you ppl love secret Sulake stuff (LL) – Haakon
As you saw, Puhekupla was in Mainentance today. The reason was that Mark wanted to innovate a little more, as you can see above, the menubar have changed a little. It have now been filled up, with more wider buttons. Next update is the ‘box’ on the left, where you still can change your settings […]
A new badge has been housed, and with ‘lightning’ speed, was discovered from the Habbo Hotel servers. With a size of 31×31 px. (50×50 px. in the image above), its identification code is BOT. BOT Badge in IOM: The use of this medal has several versions, but the most accepted to date is for exclusive […]