Well its crossing the Interweb like an out of control bush fire. This image is being posted on nearly every Habbo forum and fansite, so we thought we would post it here too. What am I talking about? Well I am talking about this (CLICK), I would post it here but the image is too […]
Category: News
Well as most of you know, a few weeks ago we had a survey; some of you asked why did we have a survey? Well the main reason was to get to know our users better. I’m glad to say that the survey was a success; we had 331 people do the survey giving us […]
This isn’t normal anymore ;) Today Puhekupla have did a great catch! We’ve found 28 new unreleased and unseen Kitchen Furniture Images! Watch out it will take some time to load all these images :P We’ve found Advertisement-images (which will be used in Public Spaces), to Habbo Home Stickers, a renamed version of the Habbo […]
I could have updated the old Topstory article, but these topstories are so nice that they deserve an article by their own: The topstories says TS_SG_Carnival_v1 so I guess they will be used for promoting the carnival in Singapore? Special Thanks to -=Colaman=- for finding these images! – Haakon
Just a new interface update which have been added to Habbo BETA: Click here for the IMAGE! Nothing really interesting, but still an update.. the trophy descriptions have been changed from a normal BETA box to the old Habbo Trophy Boxes. Don’t know if they are or have been added already ;) Thanks to nuno-mc […]
I think Sulake had nothing to do at the office, so they made and uploaded this bunch of Topstory’s: These topstory’s have been uploaded to promote a new channel or part of TMF. The Music Factory (TMF) is a pop music television channel that operates in the Netherlands (TMF Nederland), Belgium (TMF Vlaanderen) the United […]
Notice: The article headers are called sepcoll, which means September collectible. So the SciFi mbar will be the collectable for September. Article headers: The (possible) sf_mbar (turnable version): [furni=”sf_mbar”] If you hate turnable furniture: As puhekupla said, the SciFi mbar will give out following drink:
It’s coming… the sf_mbar.. but when? That’s the question.. As you can see.. the drinks have been uploaded to Habbo (BETA) already.. but when will it get released (with the badges SF000, SF001, SF002)? – Haakon
Yup, this is an another Puhekupla Presents… and this time we have made something else for you.. Do you often say something similair to this when you’re playing Habbo BETA? We at Puhekupla have the same problem too.. And there is no place to report all your bugs at to let Sulake fix them cause […]
Once upon a time there was a piece of furniture that was called guitar_v, it looked like this: [furni=”guitar_v”] It looked nice and everybody knew the guitar-poster. Then for a special promotion of the Disney movie ‘Camp Rock’, the guitar_v had been revised and re-released with an another name ads_campguitar: (in this example ads_campguitar_camprock to […]