A new day, a new badge! This badge will be given out to the Raceteam which comes from a race-competition in Habbo Brazil, which got fastest 40.000 members. BRH Credits to Habbos.es for the information about this badge (everyone make mistakes). – Haakon
I can say that the next Sci-Fi Collectible which will be released in August have been found It will be the Science-Fiction Sleeping Capsule: The URL of this image says AUGCOLL which means August Collectible. Edit: I didnt said I found a new furni but I found that the sf_pod will be the next collectible […]
Some hotels had a mainentance break this morning, like Habbo NL and Habbo UK: Found bugfixes/additions: – For Habbo Club Members, the :furni and :chooser commands are back and usable in Habbo BETA! – Catalogue page Landscapes added (not confirmed yet) – Haakon PS: its hard to type a whole update via your iPod Touch
The new collection headers for all Hotels Note: If your language is not in the list the header is as UK’s Note 2: Collection Headers updated by -Haakon- Hotel: .UK Collection name: Relax Hotel: .NL Collection name: Zen Hotel: .NO Collection name: Chillout Hotel: .PT Collection name: Habbo Sussa Hotel: .DE Collection name: Lounge Hotel: […]
Woow.. it took some time before we got back. I’m so sorry! As you can see we have a new site and some new features (thanks to Modificado.). There are some bugs now and I’ll fix them when I’m home (I’m still in France and fixing stuff in my holiday!). Thanx to MijnDomein.nl for putting […]
This badge have been uploaded 3 minutes (or maybe earlier) ago to the server of the US Habbo Hotel: US08 This badge looks like a Space Ship, maybe a new badge for a Sci-Fi Competition? – Haakon // Updated Article
As the title says (im bored) the Christmas Candles have been revised: The furni does still have the same furni names, only the design have been changed. – Haakon Update: As you can see these furni have also been revised too! The Calippo Ice Machine have been transformated back to a normal Green Ice Machine […]
Update: sf_wall Possible new window?, Found in the CCT’s of the sf_wall Didn’t work earlier, was discovered but didn’t work. Now it does <3 Will come soon to your hotel :P – Haakon
When I was searching through the furnidata of Habbo NL, I found this marsrug in (updated picture, moorug is clickable and does have a name and mission): marsrug/marsperkje Is er leven in deze kamer?/Is there any sort of life in this room? It’s probably for the Sci-Fi-competitions. More info later! – Haakon
As you can read, the two trophy’s (prizetrophy_hot and prizetrophy_col) and the two badges of the possible ‘HOT&COL-competition’ we’re updated in Habbo US. You can see the changes in the image beneath: THANKS TO THE UBERCOOLEST FANSITE HABBIES.NL FOR FINDING THE US GROUPPAGE OF HOT & COOL AND THE NL & AU BACKGROUND! :D TYVM! […]