Furni Imported News

New (sponsor) furni

[furni=”ads_cl_sofa”] [furni=”ads_cl_sofa_cmp”] [furni=”ads_clcake”] [furni=”ads_clcake2″] [notice]ads_clcake2 is not uploaded[/notice] [furni=”ads_idol_tblCloth”] [furni=”ads_idol_lamp”] [furni=”ads_idol_carpet”]

Imported News

It's Magic! -update

It’s magic.. :) we can rotate some of the furni we found earlier. Oh.. and don’t want the stupid Dutch or weird Finnish comments? Just select the language here. Cool huh?!? Update2: It is possible to choose two languages. So you can see Finnish and Dutch of Engels and Dutch comments. Try it out!

Imported News

Big update in June? -upda

Thanks to ghordo.ban here. Disco-Lee (Habbo Staff) posted something interesting at Twitter. "Grandes novidades no Habbo em Junho. Novidades a níveis mundiais. Preparem-se." Translated: "Great news in Habbo in June. News the for Habbo world. Get ready." What do you think? Update: "Pra quem ta falando que a novidade é Habbo 3D. Desencanem. Habbo é […]

Furni Imported News

New furni

Not new really, just the Reebok block with the logo on it.. [furni=”ads_reebok_block2cmp”]

Imported News

BR loves.. -update3

New campaign?

Furni Imported News

New furni -update

[furni=”ads_lin_wh_c”] [furni=”ads_lin_wh_c2″] [furni=”ads_malaco_gu”] [furni=”ads_malaco_gc”] [furni=”ads_malaco_rug”] [furni=”ads_malaco_tv”] [furni=”ads_puffet_tv”] [furni=”ads_reebok_block2″] [furni=”ads_reebok_tv”] [furni=”country_forestwall”] [furni=”tray_cake”] [furni=”tray_champagne”] [furni=”tray_glasstower”]

Imported News

We are back!

Welcome back to Puhekupla! it took some time but we’re back in business. We have a new layout, new server and a new owner. Me! I hope the new site will work fine. If you find any bugs or improvements please leave a reaction. Regards, Mark P.s. you can change the language of the site […]