With all the hype of the new beta everyone is crawling over each other to get a beta code (announced on UK last week). Well we luckily have not one but three beta codes up for grabs, all you have to do is design a banner for our site (our resident designers are nowhere to […]
Open spoiler The Images [notice] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/sf_header_en.gif]Catalogue Header[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/sf_teaser_nl.gif]Catalogue Image[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/cb_scifi_160x60.gif]Hot Campaign Image[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/ts_scifi_behind_u.gif]Topstory 1[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/ts_scifi_fryup.gif]Topstory 2[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/ts_scifi_sleeping.gif]Topstory 3[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/ts_scifi_corridor.gif]Topstory 4[/set] Update 2 [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scifi_landingparty.png]News Image 1[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scifi_mismatch.gif]News Image 2[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scifi_rest.gif]News Image 3[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scifi_botanicalparty.png]News Image 4[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scicol_discovery.gif]News Image 5[/set] [set2-scifiMisc=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/art_scifi_briefing.gif]News Image 6[/set] Update 3 [set2-scifiPromo=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/billboard_scifi_1_L.gif]Public Room Banner 1[/set] [set2-scifiPromo=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/billboard_scifi_1_R.gif]Public Room Banner 2[/set] [set2-scifiPromo=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/billboard_scifi_2_L.gif]Public Room Banner 3[/set] [set2-scifiPromo=https://content.puhekupla.com/img/archive/billboard_scifi_2_R.gif]Public […]
[furni=”voting_ch”] [furni=”ads_mall_coffeem”] [furni=”totem_planet”] Not the best image but it gives an impression..
New mall collection in soon, and the name one of these new items is: ads_mall_coffeem The drink of ads_mall_coffem has not yet been announced.. And new landscape Sorry for my english
Puhekupla wil Lotus heel erg bedanken voor de afgelopen 5,5 jaar. We wensen haar heel veel succes met al haar volgende projecten en hopen haar nog eens een keer te zien. (L) Verder wensen we Crowley heel veel succes met zijn nieuwe taak als Hotelmanager! Laten we hopen op nog meer leuke acties!
New effects in normal room and small room: Credits: sr-Anonimo (me), rofl
That’s right, but before you go all "OMG! GIVE ME SOME" I must warn you, it’s for UK only and they only get two. Also I wouldn’t offer furni or credits for codes as that can get you and the Lab Rat banned. EDIT: If you guys want you can submit ideas for us to […]
New effects found in externals: fx_23=totem_man_name fx_24=totem_merdragon_name fx_25=totem_eagle_name fx_26=totem_mix_name Hmmmm… :o
I made some improvements to the site. All language data is now stored in the database, should be faster/ less load. And we have a sponsor! To stay online (no host switching or backup servers) I made a deal with our host so that’s why the banner is there. You should click it, it’s cheap, […]
[furni=”lt_stone1″] [furni=”lt_wall”] [furni=”ads_calip_lava”] [furni=”ads_calip_lava2″] [furni=”ads_calip_fan”] [furni=”ads_calip_fan_cmp”] [furni=”ads_calip_parasol”] [furni=”ads_calip_parasol_cmp”] [furni=”transparent_floor”] [furni=”ads_mirror”]