Imported News

A new Assistant Hotel Man

In the latest quest on UK a private room says some funny stuff

Thanks to the guys over at Habbox Forum I have been alerted to a private room bot in the latest quest. What does the bot say? He says:

We are currently searching though dozens of accounts looking for that magic ADM badge.

Thanks to Gerben for reminding me about the site producer job on which now has disappeared which means that there is in fact a new staff member...but who?

Talked to a few people and it could be Ludus? I don't know the full story with Ludus but its possible as his old job is currently up at and he still works for Habbo UK (we know that much).

10 replies on “A new Assistant Hotel Man”

Yeah, it's a new person. There was a Site Manager position on Sulake's career page a while ago, and less than a while ago (;P) they removed it; the position must have been filled.

bucho was full hotel manager - never assistant.
he has moved on to another role so i guess they dont need 2 anymore.

but who could it be?

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