We don't know when, but there are images on the server!
Cool huh?!
Update 28-09-2009
We don't know when, but there are images on the server!
Cool huh?!
Update 28-09-2009
21 replies on “LASGO visiting NL! -updat”
Sorry, but what the F is a Lasgo? XD
Even im in the same country as this vip visit i dont know who this person is..
Ah.. This song. Maybe she have an song?
She is flemisch (vlaams :P)
ummmmm pictures (H)
Who's LASGO ? O_o
Finally a belgian star's visting Habbo.nl ^^
For those who don't know her: [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lasgo]Lasgo[/url]
She's hot. (LL)
Who the fuck is LASGO! Lmao
she is hot but that top story smile is evil
Who the f*** is that.
But she looks lovely so I'll come.
dont like their music
She's sexy, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Gosh, she's hot!
But i don't know her.
LOL @ the dutch people that don't know lasgo XDDD
I'm dutch and i dont know who lasgo is o_o
Who is it? lol
I found out who Lasgo is, she seems to be a Belgian singer, Flemish. But i never known of her, she was never on one of the Dutch music channels or something :S
But this is one reason why the Dutch-Dutch (the Dutch people from the Netherlands like me, not Belgium) dont know her.. but i think much Belgians dont know her even xD
[i]Ik heb gevonden wie Lasgo is, ze schijnt een Vlaamse zangeres te zijn, uit Belgie dus. Maar ik heb nooit van haar gehoord, ze was bijvoorbeeld nooit op TMF te horen ofzo..
Dit is denk ik een logische verklaring waarom de Nederlanders (uit Nederland, niet uit Belgie) haar niet kennen.. maar volgensmij kennen veel Belgen haar ook niet xD[/i]
@TahR78!!!: Thats not true, she was a lot of times on TMF and MTV, with her song:Gone.
[i]@TahR78!!!: Dat is niet waar, ze is hee vaak op TMF en MTV geweest met haar liedje:Gone.[/i]
This will be her account: http://www.habbo.nl/home/VIP-LasgoJelle
Oh. I was sure on the moment she wasnt on. xD
[i]Oh, ik kwam zeker op het verkeerde moment dat ze er niet was. xD[/i]
Image4 OMG!