Furni Imported News

Let's go fishing for furn

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31 replies on “Let's go fishing for furn”

cmp = camp !?

So; its coming a new camp to habbo !?

BTW: I hope so :D

- m0t2 from (norway)

The re colours of the fish, sorta get me thinking they're welcoming the re-coloured rares (such as the laser gates, dragons etc.) Instead designing new rares.

hmm i hope the hc stereo is for trax however the submarine catches my eye and the fish also look nice new supers? we will have to wait and see

I believe cmp stands for compensation, and they're the rares that are going to be given out after the merge.

Most Likely For Games,

Submarine = Old Game Room
Game Switches


There are [b]6[/b] Fish so maybe there are 6 Levels of a new game.. Like achievments apart from you get Furni/fish

and maybe you unlock new furniture :)

Or you Win Games, unlock furniture to buy?

The cmp is most likely for compensation, these will probably be the furni that Habbos get for the merge if their furni drops in value significantly. All of it is gross except for the Sub, what the hell is that hand doing in that box?

The submarine to me, is the only indication of a possible new public game. Perhaps a complete re-developed Battleships.

Obviously compensation rares, thats why the furni names start with "cmp" Cmp is close to comp which is short-form for Compensation.

What? How is it obviously compensation rares. It's just as likely that it's competition rares. Both words have the same first five letters.

Looks like a Competition Look i think theylle make you Build an Ocean Thingy with Fish and Submarines in it :)

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