Furni Imported News

Sunlight City - New achievements - Habbo

landing.view.suncity19craft.body=Use the Trashbot Jr. crafting table in conjunction with different ingredients to create Sunlight City clothing and furni!
landing.view.suncity19craft.button=Go craft!
landing.view.suncity19craft.header=Sunlight City Crafting!


ACH_Suncity1 - ACH_Suncity10

badge_name_ACH_Suncity1=Crafted 2 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity2=Crafted 4 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity3=Crafted 6 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity4=Crafted 8 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity5=Crafted 10 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity6=Crafted 12 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity7=Crafted 14 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity8=Crafted 16 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity9=Crafted 18 Sun City Items
badge_name_ACH_Suncity10=Crafted 20 Sun City Items

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