
Site updates

Hi everyone, Just a quick update about the site: Enabled caching for some content, this will result in faster loading. Sticky news items at the frontpage Download image button at furni (works in news and furni pages) Added site translations Added Partner page (request partnership on our Discord) Added Team page Added Dump Added Releases […]


Welcome 2021

Hi everyone! I wanted to write this earlier, but with the #SaveHabbo movement I decided to wait for a bit. First of all: Happy New Year! Hoping it’ll be a good one! Second of all: as you might have noticed things have changed. Just to be clear: we’re not done. Our old site was getting […]

Imported News


Dear Habbo Developers & Sulake, As many of us have witnessed recently, the Habbo2020 Beta launched across all hotels. Instead of positive reviews and reactions, the reception was overwhelmingly negative. The vast majority of the Habbo community is deeply disappointed with the poor performance, lack of features and functions, and the complete disregard of their […]

Furni Imported News

HC Gifts 2021 / Bonus Bags 2021 / Diamond Paintings - Habbo

Code: CF_250_toiletpaper Name: CF_250_toiletpaper name Price: 250 credits Code: CF_350_giantpearl Name: CF_350_giantpearl name Price: 350 credits Code: CF_500_egg Name: CF_500_egg name Price: 500 credits Code: CF_750_golddragon Name: CF_750_golddragon name Price: 750 credis Code: bonusbag21_1 Name: bonusbag21_1 name Code: bonusbag21_2 Name: bonusbag21_2 name Code: bonusbag21_3 Name: bonusbag21_3 name Code: bonusbag21_4 Name: bonusbag21_4 name Code: bonusrare21_1a*0 Name: […]

Blogs Imported

Is this thing on?!?

Hello everyone! Hope you are all healthy in this weird year (L) These is a lot of stuff happening around Habbo, Flash and Puhekupla and I wanted to take some time to inform you about the changes we have planned. I started playing Habbo in May 2004 (yes, that is not a typo, it is […]

Imported News

Is this thing on?!?

Hello everyone! Hope you are all healthy in this weird year (L) These is a lot of stuff happening around Habbo, Flash and Puhekupla and I wanted to take some time to inform you about the changes we have planned. I started playing Habbo in May 2004 (yes, that is not a typo, it is […]

Furni Imported News

Chiselled Ice Seal - Habbo

PREVIEW Code: rare_prize20_xmas Name: Chiselled Ice Seal

Furni Imported News

Nordic Braids (non-tradable) - Habbo

Code: clothing_nt_braidedwavyhair Name: Nordic Braids (non-tradable)

Furni Imported News

Plain Office Sofa - Menacing Eggplant - Duck Poster - Habbo

Code: CF_350_sparklybag Name: Glittering Handbag Code: house_sofa Name: Plain Office Sofa Code: mysterious_trophy Name: Menacing Eggplant Code: poster_duck Name: poster_duck name Code: pixelduck_wall Name: Duck Poster

Furni Imported News

Enchanted Winter Forest Furni - Habbo

[furni=”CF_750_perfume”] [furni=”clothing_braidedwavyhair”] [furni=”clothing_kilt”] [furni=”clothing_kilttop”] [furni=”clothing_lanternstaff”] [furni=”clothing_nt_kilt”] [furni=”clothing_nt_braidedwavyhair”] [furni=”clothing_nt_kilttop”] [furni=”clothing_nt_lanternstaff”] [furni=”clothing_r20_dragonflywings”] [furni=”clothing_r20_inuit”] [furni=”xmas_c20_beadgame”] [furni=”xmas_c20_bigstump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_bridge”] [furni=”xmas_c20_crafter”] [furni=”xmas_c20_earthguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_fireguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_flowerguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_forestbg”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedfungi”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedholly”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostedweeds”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frostytree”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frozenstream”] [furni=”xmas_c20_frozenwaterfall”] [furni=”xmas_c20_iceguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_magicguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_nutcracker”] [furni=”xmas_c20_pebblepeeps”] [furni=”xmas_c20_rockguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerock”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockblue”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockgreen”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockpurple”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockred”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runerockyellow”] [furni=”xmas_c20_runetele”] [furni=”xmas_c20_shrine”] [furni=”xmas_c20_smallrunestones”] [furni=”xmas_c20_smallstump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowbush”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowdrops”] [furni=”xmas_c20_snowguy”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stage”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stonearch”] [furni=”xmas_c20_stonecauldron”] [furni=”xmas_c20_treestump”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenbird”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenblocks”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodendog”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenhouse”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodenplane”] [furni=”xmas_c20_woodentrain”] [furni=”xmas_ltd20_yak”] [furni=”xmas_r20_icefountain”] […]