Blogs News

Habbo Statistics 2024

With another year underway, we can finally present the Habbo Statistics 2024. This is a numerical summary of what the community generated in the hotel in the previous year, such as new avatars, rooms and groups. It is a thermometer of how Habbo is evolving year after year. In 2024, Sulake returned to its origins […]

Blogs News

Why I think Sulake is making mistakes with the NFTs

When GlitterKat, a former Sulake employee in the United Kingdom, left the company in November 2006, he took with him a rare real-world Habbo item: a copy of the book “Just Another Day: The Story of Habbo Hotel”, which features exclusive interviews, stories, images and data about Habbo. It’s estimated that no more than 10 […]

Blogs News

Habbo Statistics 2023

If, for the world, 2023 will be remembered as a year of high temperatures, for Habbo, it will be another year with downward trends in relation to user activities. Historically, the hottest months, which coincide with holiday periods, boost engagement at the hotel, but figures from last year reveal that extreme heat will not be […]

Blogs News

Habbo Statistics 2022

Welcome 2023. Before generating expectations about how will be the year that just started, we should keep in mind the facts of the past year. Because that we are releasing the Habbo Statistics 2022. The Habbo Statistics project presents a summary of all records produced by users in 2022, from the first to the last […]

Blogs News

Habbo Statistics 2021

After another year, everything we lived in 2021 is just facts recorded in history, but what is done in the past isn’t just in the past. Taking stock of the previous year is essential for us to understand where we are and where we are going. In the context of Habbo, it contributes to discovering […]


Site updates

Hi everyone, Just a quick update about the site: Enabled caching for some content, this will result in faster loading. Sticky news items at the frontpage Download image button at furni (works in news and furni pages) Added site translations Added Partner page (request partnership on our Discord) Added Team page Added Dump Added Releases […]

Blogs News

Habbo Statistics 2020

We knew that 2020 would be a different year for Habbo, but we didn’t imagine it would be such a different year for everyone. While Sulake was preparing for the major renovation of its main product, the COVID-19 pandemic, which started in March, sparked an unprecedented health, economic and humanitarian crisis in many countries and […]


Welcome 2021

Hi everyone! I wanted to write this earlier, but with the #SaveHabbo movement I decided to wait for a bit. First of all: Happy New Year! Hoping it’ll be a good one! Second of all: as you might have noticed things have changed. Just to be clear: we’re not done. Our old site was getting […]

Blogs Imported

Is this thing on?!?

Hello everyone! Hope you are all healthy in this weird year (L) These is a lot of stuff happening around Habbo, Flash and Puhekupla and I wanted to take some time to inform you about the changes we have planned. I started playing Habbo in May 2004 (yes, that is not a typo, it is […]

Blogs Imported

Secret photos of Sulake's most secret hotel

Perhaps you know the hotel very well where you have fun. But you don't know the hotel where the developers have fun. Long before any news arrives on Habbo as you see it, each new feature is tested in restricted and secret Sulake hotels, where only the development team has access and no one else […]